Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today, we showed movies from youtube, i wanted to show Achmed the dead terrorist but as we couldnt have sound i chose one with a powerfull stick man.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Today we continued on our videos. I have imported most of my pictures, i just have to for homework make some anime picture tutorials on how to draw anime. Im really looking forward to continuing because i like anime a lot and i want to get comments from people on how good i draw and what i have to improve on.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Today we started doing the photo story 3 video. I have decided to do it on anime, because its a hobbie i enjoy doing. This is just practise, after we finish this, we will make another one for our project, about where we come from. I havent really gotten far as i took some time on what the practise video i will be doing it about. But the advantage is that i have a lot of images of anime, so i can skip that stage. But i will have to choose pictures for my video, and i will have to add music and narrative.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Today, we continued our investigation and i finished it. However the printer didnt work so i still have to print it. Now i started on the tutorial, i havent really gotten to the middle yet, but i know what we are doing and know what i will be doing the video about.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today we continued working on our investigation and im almost finished. Im finishing question 8 (the last question) and then i will have to add a few footnotes and add a few finishing touches. I was really glad i saved my work, as the computer was updating, and then it had to restart so i didnt lose my work. Half the lesson today we played games as it was thursday, spring festival.